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Technical Support Line 01753 684084


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4 Products
Traditional Long-oil high-gloss brushing enamel
£20.41 (inc. VAT)
More Options Available

Send us a sample and we can match almost any colour

£27.59 (inc. VAT)
£10.50 (inc. VAT)
Brush and Roller applied anti-corrosive primer/undercoat.
£17.04 (inc. VAT)

Tekaloid - Britain's No.1 Transport Paint                                                                                                    

Tekaloid 318 (Formerly BG18) Single Pack Coach Enamel. The Tekaloid range of paints is ideal for classic cars & bikes , coach work and agricultural machinery. A brushing paint that produces a result like spraying.

We are able to supply in any colour just advise us of any industry standard reference such as RAL, BS, NCS and Pantone. Alternatively we can colour match from a sample panel.

Paint Properties: Excellent flow, high gloss, outstanding colour stability. 
Typical uses: Protection and decoration of commercial vehicles, public transport, leisure craft. 
Recommended systems: Applied over suitably prepared surfaces usually coated with Tractol range of primer surfacers (e.g. Tractol 816) or undercoats (e.g. T&R Williamsons Transpeed Undercoat). 
Environmental conditions: Air temperature 5 to 50ºC, Surface temperature 5 to 50ºC. The surface temperature must be at least 3ºC above the dew point to prevent moisture condensation.

Note: Material Safety Data Sheet and Data sheet (please note thinner is no longer available see above) can be viewed by selecting the item and looking at related files tab.

For further support or technical advice call 01753 684084 or email info@tools-paint.com

Quantity rates available on request.

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