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5 Products
Unavailable - please see Thermoguard Flame Retardant Oil Based Eggshell or Bollom Flameguard Ultra Acrylic Eggshell for alternatives or call us on 01753 684084.
£133.74 (inc. VAT)
More Options Available
Unavailable - please see Thermoguard Flame Retardant Topcoat Oil Based Eggshell or Bollom Flameguard Ultra Acrylic Eggshell for alternatives or call us on 01753 684084.
£107.88 (inc. VAT)
Unavailable - please see Thermoguard Wallcoat Insulating Basecoat or Bollom Flameguard Ultra Primer/Undercoat for alternatives, or call us on 01753 684084.
£252.91 (inc. VAT)
Unavailable - please see Thermoguard Safewalls or Bollom Flameguard Ultra Vinyl Matt for alternatives or call us on 01753 684084.
£102.76 (inc. VAT)
Unavailable - please see Thermoguard Safewalls or Bollom Flameguard Ultra Vinyl Matt for alternatives or call us on 01753 684084.
£127.21 (inc. VAT)
More Options Available

Upgrade painted surfaces to meet fire regulations and protect occupants by delaying the spread of flame

Pyroshield Basecoat, Pyroshield Durable Matt and Pyroshield Durable Eggshell are three alternative versions of a revolutionary new flame retardant coating formulation developed by Dulux Trade after a rigorous research and testing programme, and are especially suitable for communal areas of public buildings.
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