Mipa Protector Custom Mixed Colours 750ml
Mipa Protector is a textured 2k truck bed / pick-up-truck liner coating. Heavy-duty surfaces require special protection and this provides grip and protection. Truck beds, stair nosing, outdoor PA systems, entry sections, off-road and commercial vehicles as well as underbodies are exposed to extreme stresses and should nevertheless keep a perfect look.
Mipa Protector is a 2K textured coating, which has been developed especially for these segments. The simple mixing ration of 3:1 with Mipa 2K-HS-Härter (hardener), the direct mixture in the can of the paint as well as the easy and safe application by spray gun or underbody spray gun make this product very easy to use for everyone. The coat thickness of 300µm (microns) smooths uneven surfaces and creates a satin matt topcoat with a uniform texture. The high surface hardness, excellent UV and chemical resistance as well as durable protection against water and heat protect the painted objects.
- Scratch resistant.
- Can be exposed to short-term heat of 180°C, permanent heat exposure of 150°C.
- Various spray textures can be achieved.
- Dust dry in 30 minutes at 20°C and is touch-dry after 60 minutes at 20°C.