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Manor Promastic 600 CT (floor coating) Custom Mixed Colours 5ltr pack

For more information please request by email the up to date datasheet & MSDS
MPN: Manorpromasticmixbase3.5
£84.81 (excl. VAT)
£101.77 (inc. VAT)

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This is used as a high performance two pack solvent borne mid sheen interior concrete floor coating for
industrial premises such as warehouses and factories where forklift trucks are used due to its
hard wearing properties. Dries well at low temperatures in winter months.

Mix 4 parts base colour: 1 part activator

  • Typical film thickness One coat can be applied as follows: Brush / roller, un-thinned, 50 microns dry film thickness (approximately 100 microns wet film thickness)
  • Recommended film thickness for floors 100 microns.
  • Theoretical coverage 9.9 sq metres/litre at 100 microns wet film thickness

As a CONCRETE SEALER the first coat is thinned 2 parts mixed paint to 1 part 2 Pack Epoxy
thinners by volume. Gives 555 g/litre VOC, VOC Classification 2004/42 Cat A/(h) 750 g/l (2010).

Apply only to dry, well prepared concrete after removal of loose cement laitance by scarifying or
acid etching, then vacuuming. Apply the first coat as a sealer coat thinning 2 parts catalysed paint
with 1 part Two Pack Epoxy Thinners, followed by one or two finishing coats leaving overnight to
dry between coats.

Inspect the original coating for adhesion using a cross hatch test (cut an X in the coating with a
sharp knife, apply strong adhesive tape over it and pull off sharply ). If the paint is removed, blast or
scarify the floor to remove the old coating. If the old paint remains intact then paint a test area to
check the intercoat adhesion between old and new, leave for 48 hours to cure and repeat the cross
hatch test. If there is any failure then the floor should be thoroughly abraded and the test repeated.
If the test area wrinkles or lifts then the coating will have to be removed before using Promastic 600

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