Johnstones Trade Woodworks Satin Woodstain 750ml
Johnstone’s Trade Woodworks Satin Woodstain is specially designed to provide a satin, microporous finish which highlights the natural grain in smooth timber joinery, such as doors, windows, fascia boards, cladding and garden furniture. It is especially beneficial when used on exterior joinery and comes with a 5 year guarantee.
Key Benefit: Microporous stain allows the wood to breathe and prevents rot
Key Benefit: Microporous stain allows the wood to breathe and prevents rot
- Finish: satin
- Colour: 6 standard colours (thousands of custom mixed colours available - please contact us for further assistance on colour choice)
- Pack size: 750ml - see related products below for other sizes
- Substrate: timber, softwood, planed timber, plywood panels, window frames, wood
- Type: solvent based
- Coverage 14-16m2 per litre
- Recoat: 16-24 hours
- Use with: All Purpose Preserver
- Application method: brush
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